Knowledge Transfer Partnership Agreement

What knowledge, technologies or skills does the counterpart need from the knowledge base partner? KTP is a world-leading programme that enables businesses to succeed by combining them with the UK`s rich academic resources. This is a partnership between the company seeking expertise, a university or university and a recently qualified graduate – known as an associate. Each partnership extends from twelve months to three years. Who is the staff of the knowledge base partner who will academically take care of the associate collaborator in each project? If there is more than one knowledge base supervisor, please indicate the details of each person and indicate which one is the lead. The partnership confirms that the application meets the general criteria applicable to KTP and that the information contained in this grant application form is, in their soul and conscience, correct and complete. The Knowledge Base Partner must and should lead the project: The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) programme allows a UK-registered company or non-profit organisation (which we will now collectively refer to as `business partners`) to collaborate with a UK Higher Education (HE) or Continuing Education (FE), RTO or Catapult (which we will call `Knowledge Base Partner`). How is the transfer knowledge and know-how in the project integrated and exploited by the business partner? The knowledge base partner must provide the requested funding, broken down according to all individual costs of the project and the partner. Provide information about the person responsible for submitting claims on behalf of the knowledge Base partner. This unique opportunity allows a graduate to be established in a company while taking advantage of the expertise and support of the university to carry out a strategic project that integrates knowledge into the company. Management KTPs (MKTPs) focus on improving efficiency and improving productivity through better management practices.

They create a partnership with a UK business school or academics who can show how their experience relates to the practice of management. You can improve your company`s competitiveness and productivity through funded partnerships with academics and researchers. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships is a UK programme that, for 40 years, has helped businesses improve their competitiveness and productivity through better use of the knowledge, technologies and skills found on the UK knowledge base. Most knowledge databases have their own KTP desktop. These offices collaborate with business and academic partners who intend to work together to expand the project. You can also help you apply at Innovate UK. Why is an academic and business partnership the most appropriate approach for this activity? If you are interested in becoming a KTP knowledge base, contact or call 0300 321 4357. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 11.30am and from 2pm to 4.30pm (except holidays) This new partnership brings new skills and the latest academic thinking to business partners to provide a specific strategic innovation project.

The knowledge base partner recruits 1 or 2 graduates (known as “associates”) to work on the project….
