Tenancy Agreement Sample in Kenya

A tenancy agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a rental agreement between a landlord and a tenant. In Kenya, tenancy agreements are legally required and should be carefully crafted to ensure that the rights of both parties are protected. If you are a landlord in Kenya, it is important to have a valid, well-drafted tenancy agreement in place before allowing anyone to rent your property.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a tenancy agreement sample in Kenya that you can use as a guide. This sample covers some of the key clauses that should be included in any rental agreement in Kenya.

1. Parties to the agreement

The first clause should clearly outline the names and contact details of the parties involved in the tenancy agreement. This includes the landlord`s name and address, as well as the name and contact details of the tenant(s).

2. Property details

Next, the tenancy agreement should describe the rental property in detail, including its address, any identifying features, and any special conditions or requirements.

3. Rent and payment details

This clause should outline the rent amount and payment terms, including the due date(s), late fees, and penalties for non-payment.

4. Security deposit

The security deposit is a crucial part of any tenancy agreement in Kenya. This clause should spell out the amount of the security deposit, the terms for its return, and any deductions that may be made for damage or unpaid rent.

5. Duration of the tenancy

This clause should specify the start and end date of the tenancy, as well as any conditions or restrictions on renewing or extending the agreement.

6. Access to the property

This clause should outline the landlord`s right to access the rental property, including any notice requirements and restrictions on entry.

7. Maintenance and repairs

This clause should outline the responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant(s) for maintaining and repairing the property. It should also specify how repairs will be handled and who will be responsible for paying for them.

8. Subletting and assignment

This clause should outline any restrictions on subletting or assigning the rental property to others without the landlord`s permission.

9. Termination and eviction

This clause should spell out the circumstances under which the landlord can terminate the tenancy agreement or evict the tenant(s), as well as any notice requirements.

10. Governing law and dispute resolution

Finally, the tenancy agreement should specify the governing law and jurisdiction as well as the process for resolving any disputes that may arise between the landlord and tenant(s).

In conclusion, a well-drafted tenancy agreement is essential for any landlord in Kenya. By including the above clauses and carefully considering the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, you can protect your property and ensure that the rights of both parties are respected.
