Subject Verb Agreement for Each

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical concept that refers to the proper match between a subject and its verb in a sentence. It is important to ensure that the verb matches the subject in number, person, and tense for clear and effective communication. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement for the word “each” in detail.

The word “each” is a determiner that refers to every individual within a group. It is often used to modify singular countable nouns and can be tricky when it comes to subject-verb agreement. This is because “each” is always followed by a singular noun, but the noun can refer to a group of people or things. Therefore, it is essential to understand the grammatical rules for subject-verb agreement when using “each.”

Rule 1: When “each” is used as the subject of a sentence, the verb must agree with it in number. In other words, the verb must be singular.

For example:

– Each student is responsible for completing their assignments.

– Each apple is ripe and ready to eat.

Rule 2: When “each” is followed by a plural noun, the verb must still be singular. This is because “each” refers to each individual within the group, not the group as a whole.

For example:

– Each of the students is responsible for completing their assignments.

– Each of the apples is ripe and ready to eat.

Rule 3: When “each” is followed by two or more singular nouns connected with “and,” the verb must be plural. This is because “each” refers to each individual separately, and the plural noun phrases combined act as the subject.

For example:

– Each apple and each orange are ripe and ready to eat.

– Each employee and each customer needs to fill out their own form.

Rule 4: When “each” is followed by a noun and a preposition, the verb must still agree with “each.”

For example:

– Each of the students in the class is responsible for completing their assignments.

– Each of the apples on the tree is ripe and ready to eat.

In conclusion, using “each” in a sentence requires careful attention to subject-verb agreement. Remember to keep the number of the verb in agreement with the singular form of “each,” regardless of the noun it modifies. Following these simple rules can help you use “each” correctly and write clear, concise, and grammatically correct sentences.
