Exercise of Subject Verb Agreement for Class 4

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most important aspects of English grammar. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The verb must agree with the number and person of the subject in order to form a grammatically correct sentence. For class 4 students, learning the rules of subject-verb agreement can be challenging. But with consistent practice and guidance, they can master this aspect of grammar.

Here are some tips on how to exercise subject-verb agreement for class 4:

1. Singular and Plural

The first step in understanding subject-verb agreement is to differentiate between singular and plural subjects. A singular subject refers to one person, place, or thing, while a plural subject refers to more than one person, place, or thing. For example, `the boy` is a singular subject, while `the boys` is a plural subject.

The verb used with a singular subject is different from the verb used with a plural subject. For example, `The boy runs` is a sentence with a singular subject, and the verb used is `runs`, which is singular. On the other hand, `The boys run` is a sentence with a plural subject, and the verb used is `run`, which is plural.

2. Subject-Verb Agreement in Tenses

Students also need to learn about subject-verb agreement in tenses. Tense refers to the time at which the action is taking place. There are three main tenses: past, present, and future. The verb used in a sentence must agree with the tense of the subject.

For example, `She eats breakfast every day` is a sentence with a singular subject, and the verb used is `eats`, which is in the present tense. On the other hand, `They played football yesterday` is a sentence with a plural subject, and the verb used is `played`, which is in the past tense.

3. Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person, place, or thing. Some examples of indefinite pronouns are `everyone`, `someone`, `anyone`, `no one`, `either`, `neither`, etc. Students need to learn how to use these pronouns with the correct verb.

For example, `Everyone loves ice cream` is a sentence with the indefinite pronoun `everyone`, which is singular. The verb used is `loves`, which is also singular. On the other hand, `Neither of the boys wants to go` is a sentence with the indefinite pronoun `neither`, which is singular. The verb used is `wants`, which is also singular.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of English grammar that every student needs to master. By following these tips and practicing consistently, class 4 students can develop a stronger understanding of subject-verb agreement and improve their language skills.
