Cat Rehoming Agreement

Behavioral problemsYou frequent behavioral problems can be annoying if the cause is not obvious. Sometimes this can make people feel like the problem is insurmountable and that Rehoming is the only solution. Learn about common issues in these resources. Fancy Cats will help you promote your cat on so you can take your cat to our adoption and screen sessions of potential adoptive parents for you. If we provide these services to you, adopters will complete Fancy Cats` adoption papers. In addition, we need a donation of $200 per cat from the person who puts the cat in paint once the cat is adopted. New baby in the houseIf simple and reasonable precautions are taken and proper initiations are taken, it should not be necessary to change your cat due to the arrival of a baby. And indeed, a cat in the family can be of great use for the development of the child, because it allows him to establish an early bond with an animal, learn, respect and care for the pet and lay a foundation throughout the love of animals. In addition, recent studies have shown that children who have pets at home, especially during their first year of life, produce antibodies that reduce the risk of asthma and allergies.

Take precautions like: Close the door to the child`s room when the baby is alone; keep cat toilets out of reach of creeping and small babies; keep baby food and animal feed separate; Regularly clean cats` toilets, then wash their hands and keep kittens informed of their vaccinations. I take this agreement of my own free will and understand that it is a binding treaty, applicable to civil matters. This Agreement documents the transfer of the property of the named pet (_____ PregnancyThe risk of toxoplasmosis due to animal vomit during pregnancy remains one of the main reasons why many cats are forced to relocate. The truth is that undercooked meat is the main risk factor for toxoplasmosis infection. Contact with a cat`s feces turned out to be a very low-risk factor. The basic rules of hygiene must of course be observed and, to be absolutely safe, rubber gloves must be worn when a cat toilet is cleaned or if a non-pregnant member of the household is required to ensure dispersal. Keep the cat`s vaccinations up to date and make sure the kitten is regularly dewormed and treated for fleas when it goes out. . . .
