Green Card Sponsorship Repayment Agreement

We have looked at this issue and put in place a recovery system in the event of staff leaving. Essentially, we do the duration of the promotion or job offer that we pay for the application, and if they leave before the issue, it will be fully refunded if they leave within X years of receiving the green card, then it becomes proportional. The average number of years it takes to obtain a green card (e.g., citizens of India and China – 10 years) affects the number of years it takes the employee to stay, etc. We will also not pay for dependent visa/green cards.ii Whether or not a company has an official policy, employers will want to be aware of several key areas of the sponsorship process – requirements, costs and reimbursement agreements. Deloitte also does not have a refund policy. Interested in thoughts, positive and negative, and if someone has accidentally used something like this a possible standard arrangement.i This directive describes the conditions under which a foreign employee can obtain a university sponsorship for us permanent residence during his employment at the Commonwealth University of Virginia (VCU). University sponsorship includes a process that includes the approval of each of the different levels of university administration. Employers can pay for the entire process or ask employees to cover the cost of issuing visas and adapting elements of the process, including registration fees, medical tests and green card applications for dependants. The university may agree to support a recruit and help them obtain LPR status.

However, such an agreement does not regulate the tax liability when granting this benefit. The granting of such a benefit can be seen as a university recruitment effort for a signing bonus. Signing bonuses are always salaries. For example, expenses and reimbursements for the application and obtaining LPR status are considered salaries when paid in the name of the recruit. Global biotechnology company Qiagen does not have a published green card policy, but follows an internal standard operating procedure, said Derry Velardi, associate director of THE company`s HR. Zarina Godhrawala, global mobility and immigration manager at Deloitte, said her company has put a lot of work into its green card policy to attract and retain talent. But she added that her team could deviate from the directive and follow additional guidelines based on trade requirements. On the other hand, legal and other costs related to the guarantee of legal permanent resident status (LPR) (obtaining a green card) are primarily for the individual.

LPR status is not employer-specific and offers the individual a long-term personal benefit of working for other employers. Even if a person has legitimate needs when traveling abroad from the university, an employer-specific visa, such as H1. B, generally allows an equivalent opportunity to return to the United States after traveling abroad at a level comparable to a green card. Individuals who have initiated a permanent stay proceeding with another institution or employer, but who have not completed it and who have subsequently been recruited by the VCU, may benefit from university sponsorship, but can nevertheless appeal to the previous company. However, standard authorization procedures must be followed and reimbursement requirements must be met with the other law firm. The green card policy for the employment of an organization is a major focus for foreign candidates when their professional choice is taken into account.
