Contract Agreement For Massage Therapist

The independent contractual agreement of a massage therapist can list certain parameters of protection of the company. Massage therapists come into close physical contact with clients, so agreements can make it clear that there is no tolerance for inappropriate behaviour. You can also include a directive on the therapist`s professional behaviour when representing the company. In addition, they may require that a massage therapist not make derogatory comments about the company. At times, an independent contract for massage therapists will include a non-competition clause. This section discusses whether the massage therapist can stand within a certain radius of the company when he leaves the company. If this provision is contained, it usually contains a distance and a period. The agreement could, for example, be that the massage therapist will not be able to work within a 30-mile radius for a year in order not to pick up the company`s clients. The last point on which this document must be prepared is “XXI.

Note here the name of the state in which this contract is said “… The state of the state of Start by providing information for this document with the calendar date at which it becomes active. Place this date in the empty line known as the “validity date.” The calendar date you place here will be taken into account when this document becomes active and when both parties to the signature are required to comply. The first article identifies this document as an agreement between a company and a contractor. In this case, the company will be the institution that hires the massage therapist while the contractor is the massage therapist. Use the first vacuum to register the full name of the recruitment company. If it is a person, be sure to enter their names, first names and surnames. If the entity is a business entity such as a business or business company, be sure to fill in the full name of that business as it appears in the books.

The second, third or fourth place in this declaration requires the postal address that the company uses for its correspondence. This should be a well-maintained address. Note that a separate line has been set aside for the address, city and state at the company`s postal address.
